It's been a long time since I last blogged, but not much has really happened. School didn't get out until the first past of JUNE - yes that's right, June! I'd never gone to school in June except for teaching summer school and when I was getting my masters degree. I hope that I never have to do it again!
Then end of June we were able to find out the sex of our little baby. I'm sure everyone knows, but it is a boy. We picked out a name and I started working on the nursery. I was pretty sure that Lydia was going to be a boy, so most of the nursery stuff that I had was boyish. We have red bandanna curtains and changing table cover both left from her. The crib bumper is black with white spots, also left from her. Most of the wall decorations are also from her: metal stars, cowboy hat, lanterns, mirror, and candle holders. I guess that the only new stuff I got were some red and black baskets for the changing table, a couple of blankets for the crib, and Darla got some tractor toys. Of course all of the clothing is different, but I've had several people give me baby boy clothes so I haven't had to get to much. I did pick up a really nice play pen with changing area and bassinet from a garage sale. I also bought a new car seat and really nice stroller off a friend of mine. We had these with Lydia, but the newer ones are MUCH nicer!! I guess I've made you wait for the name long enough - Lucas Gail. We are excited to meet him, but have awhile to wait.
After that we had Lydia's birthday party. We had a house full - about 50 people (20 were kids). I actually ran out of food, which I've never done. She got completely spoiled with attention, love, and gifts. Her cake was an Ariel cake. It ended up pretty good.
Since then, we've just been trucking along. Gail's been doing hay every evening after work. The summer is quickly coming to an end - BOO!!! We still have a trip to the Des Moines Zoo that we need to take before school starts. Lydia wants to go ride the camels.
5 months ago