When I was a little kid I would ride my bike EVERYWHERE!! We lived in the country and I would ride all over our farm, to my grandparent's house next door, and another eldery couple lived up the road from us. We never had to worry about strangers, really fast drivers, or anything happening to us. Half the time I don't even think we told out parents where we were going. We just took off. It was fun, but I secretly wanted to live in town. I wanted to be able to ride my bike to my friends' houses, go to the park, or spend the day at the pool. In college I lived in a "town" (if you can call Canton, MO a town). I loved having people around. My senior year of college I lived with my sister during my student teaching in Lancaster and later rented a little house. I liked living in town. I liked my neighbors. I liked just getting in the car and running to the store. After 3 years of town living, we bought our house and moved to the country. At first is was hard to me being alone (Gail worked evenings the first year we lived there). I kept busy with my master's classes and school work. Now, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Our neighbors are the best ever. Here are some photos.
4 months ago
Tee, hee, those are really fun neighbors to have! I keep thinking it would be funny to get a picture of them in the snow. . . :D
That would be a tough crowd to entertain for Bunco, though, wouldn't it? lol
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