Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Favorites...

Here are some of my favorite things from the summer.

Lydia started sleeping in her "big" girl bed. We took the rail off and now she has a day bed. She does really well with in and stays in once we put her there. In the mornings and after nap time she won't get out until we go into her room.

We went to story hour every week here in town. Each time they did two coloring projects, a craft project, listened to three stories, and then were able to check out books. This is my favorite project they made - Princess Hats.

Here she is all dressed and ready for the pool. We only went once this year because is was such a cool summer.

Once she figured out how to sit in the ring she LOVED it.

This is my favorite picture from all summer. She was so proud of this little rock.

Until next time...

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