Gail and I have found a church that we BOTH like and enjoy attending - Mark Baptist Church. We've tried several churches in our area, but none of them felt like "home". I grew up attending church and was baptized at a young age. When I met Gail, we starting attending the Lancaster Baptist Church. Gail was baptized there and we enjoyed going. Over time pastors changed and the people changed and it started to feel more like an obligation to go rather that we really wanted to go. We stopped going for a couple of years. During that time I started to really think about what I wanted in a church. I actually had a check list.
#1 - We could enjoy worship as a family.
#2 - Had a great kids program.
#3 - Felt like home.
#4 - Great pastor.
#5 - Strong Church family.
#6 - Not to far from home. (I know that sounds bad).
I tried out a couple of churches, but they didn't meet every part of my checklist. During this entire time my sitter kept trying to get us to their church. Gail had wanted to go a couple of times, but I really didn't. Finally, one Sunday morning in early August I decided that we were going to her church. Gail couldn't go because he had something to do. I waited in the lobby for Tina and her family and they were surprised to see Lydia and I there. During that service I had so many emotions. The story really touched me. I laughed, I cried, and it was one of the best times that I've ever had. The next week, Gail went with me and he had the same feelings. We LOVE our new church. I love the feelings I have the entire week after going and I notice that my attitude has changed. I really watch the things I say and do. My check list has turned into my list of the things that we love about our church and I have also added another.
#7 - Being a Christian is not just a Sunday activity.
The church family up at our new church lives and breathes being a faithful Christian. I LOVE IT!!! I hope that all of my readers (hopefully I still have readers) have a church that they love and enjoy going to. I can honestly say that it has made a difference in our lives.
5 months ago