Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is a Coming...

I feel like I way behind for this Holiday Season. I've had the decorations and trees up since right before Thanksgiving, I wrapped all the gifts right after Thanksgiving, but I still feel lost. I have made Christmas cookies, but no icing yet. I've addressed all the cards, but don't have stamps to mail them. We haven't written out letter to Santa yet either. This week is busier than I even imagined at work and we have to make our parent gifts. So much to do, so little time.


Jen said...

I feel the same way. Sometimes I wonder if it is because we start so soon in order to be organized.

Corin said...

I'm feeling the same way this year. Mass confusion. I'm trying not to let it detract from my happy holiday feeling, but I have to admit it's getting me down a little.