The small things in life that I couldn't live without.
1. Hugs and snuggles from Lydia in the mornings because she isn't awake yet.
2. Eating weekend morning breakfast in bed with Gail, Lydia, and I. Although I could live without the crumbs it leaves behind.
3. When I open the backdoor to get Lydia out of her car seat she always covers her eyes and laughs like I can't see her.
4. When she is on the potty she always leans over so she can see inside and says "nope, nope" when she hasn't done anything yet. Then she she goes she stands up and claps.
5. The way that Lydia and our dogs, Charlie and Annie, run to the front window when they hear Gail's truck coming home. They all climb up on the bench and sit there.
5 months ago
so glad there are other people in life that stop to smell the roses & be grateful for them! i'm glad you enjoy the little things that make up the big picture.
isn't it so much fun being a mommy and getting to witness all those wonderful moments?
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